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  1. #1

    [Arcade - PC] Samurai Shodown: Edge of Destiny (Taito Type X²)

    Há algum tempo circula entre algumas pessoas o dump de Samurai Shodown: Edge of Destiny (ou Samurai Spirits Sen), da placa de arcade Taito Type X².
    Como ainda não existe um launcher capaz de rodá-lo, estávamos segurando o lançamento. Só que agora resolvemos liberá-lo assim mesmo.

    Isso mesmo. O sétimo jogo da franquia Samurai Shodown é o mais novo dump a ser lançado pela Snk-NeoFighters.

    Samurai Shodown: Edge of Destiny - DOWNLOAD (Senha/Password: snk-neofighters)

    Mirrors by Maxwell
    Mirrors OFFLINE

    Agradecemos a exclusividade do release à um velho amigo...

    NOVO LOADER / NEW LOADER (atualização 05/08/2011)

    Mal liberamos o dump de Samurai Shodown: Edge of Destiny (placa de arcade Taito Type X²) e nosso membro Romhack, conhecido pelas proezas que fez com as últimas versões do NeoRAGEx, conseguiu programar um loader funcional para o jogo.

    Samurai Spirits Sen rodando no PC do Romhack

    A partir de agora, você poderá desfrutar do mais novo jogo da franquia Samurai Shodown no seu PC. Cortesia da Snk-NeoFighters e do nosso pequeno gênio, Romhack.

    Usem o typex_config pra configurar os controles, e rodem o exe direto sem o loader.

  2. #46


  3. #47

  4. #48
    thanks for the upload i just finished it :P

  5. #49
    super up...
    no aguarde do megaupload....

  6. #50
    Can we have the megaupload mirrors to the first post guys? And thanks

  7. #51
    hey maxwell, is there a special way to load this game as I am unable to launch it by.bat as well as dragging the game.exe on loader nothing is happening just game.exe loaded in the process

  8. #52
    Citação Postado originalmente por kamranijaz Ver Post
    hey maxwell, is there a special way to load this game as I am unable to launch it by.bat as well as dragging the game.exe on loader nothing is happening just game.exe loaded in the process
    It seems launcher/game.exe 's not compatable with PC typex_loader but it runs perfectly on real hardware (btw it's the uncensored version of the game with blood).
    I think typex_loader or launcher/game.exe have to be patched to run on PC.

  9. #53
    its the same version as the original post right. so it is still not possible to play it on pc ?

  10. #54
    Citação Postado originalmente por kamranijaz Ver Post
    its the same version as the original post right. so it is still not possible to play it on pc ?
    Yes it is (with blood enabled rev.). No, but it could with patches.

  11. #55
    THANKS for the upload anyway as it will be patched sooner or later but I was very excited when i saw this post.

  12. #56
    Hey Maxwell i have noticed that typex_io.log is not fully populated it just finished half way.

    typex_io attached
    functions hooked
    hooking function DIC_Open in dic32.dll (00361920 -> 100011A0)
    hook done
    hooking function DIC_Find in dic32.dll (00361800 -> 10001120)
    hook done
    hooking function DIC_Set in dic32.dll (00363740 -> 100011C0)
    hook done
    hooking function DIC_Command in dic32.dll (00361E00 -> 100010C0)
    hook done
    hooking function DIC_Get in dic32.dll (00363240 -> 10001140)
    hook done
    hooking function DIC_Close in dic32.dll (00361DB0 -> 100010A0)
    hook done
    opened com port
    minimum tick rate = 1
    SetupComm(88, 516, 516)
    poll thread: start
    reset (D9)
    instance: Keyboard
    product: Keyboard
    type: 00000413
    00000001 00000104 00000000 ESC
    00000002 00000204 00000000 1
    00000003 00000304 00000000 2
    00000004 00000404 00000000 3
    00000005 00000504 00000000 4
    00000006 00000604 00000000 5
    00000007 00000704 00000000 6
    00000008 00000804 00000000 7
    00000009 00000904 00000000 8
    0000000A 00000A04 00000000 9
    0000000B 00000B04 00000000 0
    0000000C 00000C04 00000000 -
    0000000D 00000D04 00000000 =
    0000000E 00000E04 00000000 BACKSPACE
    0000000F 00000F04 00000000 TAB
    00000010 00001004 00000000 Q
    00000011 00001104 00000000 W
    00000012 00001204 00000000 E
    00000013 00001304 00000000 R
    00000014 00001404 00000000 T
    00000015 00001504 00000000 Y
    00000016 00001604 00000000 U
    00000017 00001704 00000000 I
    00000018 00001804 00000000 O
    00000019 00001904 00000000 P
    0000001A 00001A04 00000000 [
    0000001B 00001B04 00000000 ]
    0000001C 00001C04 00000000 ENTER
    0000001D 00001D04 00000000 CTRL
    0000001E 00001E04 00000000 A
    0000001F 00001F04 00000000 S
    00000020 00002004 00000000 D
    00000021 00002104 00000000 F
    00000022 00002204 00000000 G
    00000023 00002304 00000000 H
    00000024 00002404 00000000 J
    00000025 00002504 00000000 K
    00000026 00002604 00000000 L
    00000027 00002704 00000000 ;
    00000028 00002804 00000000 '
    00000029 00002904 00000000 `
    0000002A 00002A04 00000000 SHIFT
    0000002B 00002B04 00000000 #
    0000002C 00002C04 00000000 Z
    0000002D 00002D04 00000000 X
    0000002E 00002E04 00000000 C
    0000002F 00002F04 00000000 V
    00000030 00003004 00000000 B
    00000031 00003104 00000000 N
    00000032 00003204 00000000 M
    00000033 00003304 00000000 ,
    00000034 00003404 00000000 .
    00000035 00003504 00000000 /
    00000036 00003604 00000000 RIGHT SHIFT
    00000037 00003704 00000000 *
    00000038 00003804 00000000 ALT
    00000039 00003904 00000000 SPACE
    0000003A 00003A04 00000000 CAPSLOCK
    0000003B 00003B04 00000000 F1
    0000003C 00003C04 00000000 F2
    0000003D 00003D04 00000000 F3
    0000003E 00003E04 00000000 F4
    0000003F 00003F04 00000000 F5
    00000040 00004004 00000000 F6
    00000041 00004104 00000000 F7
    00000042 00004204 00000000 F8
    00000043 00004304 00000000 F9
    00000044 00004404 00000000 F10
    00000045 00004504 00000000 Num Lock
    00000046 00004604 00000000 SCROLL LOCK
    00000047 00004704 00000000 NUM 7
    00000048 00004804 00000000 NUM 8
    00000049 00004904 00000000 NUM 9
    0000004A 00004A04 00000000 -
    0000004B 00004B04 00000000 NUM 4
    0000004C 00004C04 00000000 NUM 5
    0000004D 00004D04 00000000 NUM 6
    0000004E 00004E04 00000000 +
    0000004F 00004F04 00000000 NUM 1
    00000050 00005004 00000000 NUM 2
    00000051 00005104 00000000 NUM 3
    00000052 00005204 00000000 NUM 0
    00000053 00005304 00000000 NUM DECIMAL
    00000056 00005604 00000000 \
    00000057 00005704 00000000 F11
    00000058 00005804 00000000 F12
    00000090 00009004 00000000 Prev Track
    00000099 00009904 00000000 Next Track
    0000009C 00009C04 00000000 NUM ENTER
    0000009D 00009D04 00000000 Right Ctrl
    000000A0 0000A004 00000000 Mute
    000000A1 0000A104 00000000 Calculator
    000000A2 0000A204 00000000 Play/Pause
    000000A4 0000A404 00000000 Media Stop
    000000AE 0000AE04 00000000 Volume -
    000000B0 0000B004 00000000 Volume +
    000000B2 0000B204 00000000 Web/Home
    000000B5 0000B504 00000000 NUM DIVIDE
    000000B7 0000B704 00000000 Prnt Scrn
    000000B8 0000B804 00000000 RIGHT ALT
    000000C5 0000C504 00000000 Pause
    000000C7 0000C704 00000000 HOME
    000000C8 0000C804 00000000 UP
    000000C9 0000C904 00000000 PGUP
    000000CB 0000CB04 00000000 LEFT

  13. #57
    Super Moderador Avatar de windslashkun
    Oct 2010
    Citação Postado originalmente por kamranijaz Ver Post
    Hey Maxwell i have noticed that typex_io.log is not fully populated it just finished half way.

    typex_io attached
    functions hooked
    hooking function DIC_Open in dic32.dll (00361920 -> 100011A0)
    hook done
    hooking function DIC_Find in dic32.dll (00361800 -> 10001120)
    hook done
    hooking function DIC_Set in dic32.dll (00363740 -> 100011C0)
    hook done
    hooking function DIC_Command in dic32.dll (00361E00 -> 100010C0)
    hook done
    hooking function DIC_Get in dic32.dll (00363240 -> 10001140)
    hook done
    hooking function DIC_Close in dic32.dll (00361DB0 -> 100010A0)
    hook done
    opened com port
    minimum tick rate = 1
    SetupComm(88, 516, 516)
    poll thread: start
    reset (D9)
    instance: Keyboard
    product: Keyboard
    type: 00000413
    00000001 00000104 00000000 ESC
    00000002 00000204 00000000 1
    00000003 00000304 00000000 2
    00000004 00000404 00000000 3
    00000005 00000504 00000000 4
    00000006 00000604 00000000 5
    00000007 00000704 00000000 6
    00000008 00000804 00000000 7
    00000009 00000904 00000000 8
    0000000A 00000A04 00000000 9
    0000000B 00000B04 00000000 0
    0000000C 00000C04 00000000 -
    0000000D 00000D04 00000000 =
    0000000E 00000E04 00000000 BACKSPACE
    0000000F 00000F04 00000000 TAB
    00000010 00001004 00000000 Q
    00000011 00001104 00000000 W
    00000012 00001204 00000000 E
    00000013 00001304 00000000 R
    00000014 00001404 00000000 T
    00000015 00001504 00000000 Y
    00000016 00001604 00000000 U
    00000017 00001704 00000000 I
    00000018 00001804 00000000 O
    00000019 00001904 00000000 P
    0000001A 00001A04 00000000 [
    0000001B 00001B04 00000000 ]
    0000001C 00001C04 00000000 ENTER
    0000001D 00001D04 00000000 CTRL
    0000001E 00001E04 00000000 A
    0000001F 00001F04 00000000 S
    00000020 00002004 00000000 D
    00000021 00002104 00000000 F
    00000022 00002204 00000000 G
    00000023 00002304 00000000 H
    00000024 00002404 00000000 J
    00000025 00002504 00000000 K
    00000026 00002604 00000000 L
    00000027 00002704 00000000 ;
    00000028 00002804 00000000 '
    00000029 00002904 00000000 `
    0000002A 00002A04 00000000 SHIFT
    0000002B 00002B04 00000000 #
    0000002C 00002C04 00000000 Z
    0000002D 00002D04 00000000 X
    0000002E 00002E04 00000000 C
    0000002F 00002F04 00000000 V
    00000030 00003004 00000000 B
    00000031 00003104 00000000 N
    00000032 00003204 00000000 M
    00000033 00003304 00000000 ,
    00000034 00003404 00000000 .
    00000035 00003504 00000000 /
    00000036 00003604 00000000 RIGHT SHIFT
    00000037 00003704 00000000 *
    00000038 00003804 00000000 ALT
    00000039 00003904 00000000 SPACE
    0000003A 00003A04 00000000 CAPSLOCK
    0000003B 00003B04 00000000 F1
    0000003C 00003C04 00000000 F2
    0000003D 00003D04 00000000 F3
    0000003E 00003E04 00000000 F4
    0000003F 00003F04 00000000 F5
    00000040 00004004 00000000 F6
    00000041 00004104 00000000 F7
    00000042 00004204 00000000 F8
    00000043 00004304 00000000 F9
    00000044 00004404 00000000 F10
    00000045 00004504 00000000 Num Lock
    00000046 00004604 00000000 SCROLL LOCK
    00000047 00004704 00000000 NUM 7
    00000048 00004804 00000000 NUM 8
    00000049 00004904 00000000 NUM 9
    0000004A 00004A04 00000000 -
    0000004B 00004B04 00000000 NUM 4
    0000004C 00004C04 00000000 NUM 5
    0000004D 00004D04 00000000 NUM 6
    0000004E 00004E04 00000000 +
    0000004F 00004F04 00000000 NUM 1
    00000050 00005004 00000000 NUM 2
    00000051 00005104 00000000 NUM 3
    00000052 00005204 00000000 NUM 0
    00000053 00005304 00000000 NUM DECIMAL
    00000056 00005604 00000000 \
    00000057 00005704 00000000 F11
    00000058 00005804 00000000 F12
    00000090 00009004 00000000 Prev Track
    00000099 00009904 00000000 Next Track
    0000009C 00009C04 00000000 NUM ENTER
    0000009D 00009D04 00000000 Right Ctrl
    000000A0 0000A004 00000000 Mute
    000000A1 0000A104 00000000 Calculator
    000000A2 0000A204 00000000 Play/Pause
    000000A4 0000A404 00000000 Media Stop
    000000AE 0000AE04 00000000 Volume -
    000000B0 0000B004 00000000 Volume +
    000000B2 0000B204 00000000 Web/Home
    000000B5 0000B504 00000000 NUM DIVIDE
    000000B7 0000B704 00000000 Prnt Scrn
    000000B8 0000B804 00000000 RIGHT ALT
    000000C5 0000C504 00000000 Pause
    000000C7 0000C704 00000000 HOME
    000000C8 0000C804 00000000 UP
    000000C9 0000C904 00000000 PGUP
    000000CB 0000CB04 00000000 LEFT
    well all this was already posted by me here:
    and because the game not run, this was the reason we have not previously released the dump because there was no way to run it, has not only rumors that he has a new loader being done .... but they are only rumors ..... and this is the same Xbox 360 version as reports from other people....

  14. #58
    Os links do Maxwell então são mirrors ou são outra versão do jogo?
    Tem alguma coisa diferente da versão dele pra do fabiofilho?


  15. #59
    Citação Postado originalmente por windslashkun Ver Post
    ..... and this is the same Xbox 360 version as reports from other people....
    No it's not 360 ver. There 're 2 revisions of the game (one censored and one uncensored). Btw the game runs perfectly on real hardware, I launched it with Blazblue backup HDD did one month ago (game/launcher.exe renamed as Ttxshell.exe in System32 directory).

  16. #60
    Alguem ae sabe se o BlazBlue - Continuum Shift II foi dumpado?(Curiosidade).

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